Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 140- Exam tomorrow~ Stress! (30/1/11)

I've got dain bramage~

tomorrow exam is on drawing.. boo~ AAAAAAAAAA!!!! was stress just now.. now resting... ok let me tell you about my day
MAC had their church anniversary today.. so i didn't go.. =) i went to kings..
I was happy there... as in i like the songs.. but kept the skeptical view in me.. the message was about having faith and trusting in God, being bold and create opportunities for yourself to share God's word.. and the preacher said we are to bring down heaven to earth where we are even right now! He also tell about the story of shadrach, meshach and abednego.

Daniel 3:16-18

16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver usa]">[a] from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

Even if God didn't answer their prayer they will still believe.. wow... got to learn from that... super duper cool people.

it's 10.53pm and i'm tired... but i got to go on practicing my technical drawing before the sun rises... =) so love you all lots.. chaoz.. =)

Day 139- CNY biscuit day (29/1/11)

I was shock my my friends message.. leng suddenly tell me he's going to be in manchester today at 12pm... cause ald's cousins are here... so they brought them down... as in leng, ald and francis.
HELLO!!!! I got exams... so i went out meet with them for a while then i came home and prepare to make cookies... btw... ald's cousin says he knows me..through floorball.. i was like i think u know my bro and not me la... my bro is Kaolinken.. then he said.. ou u r his sister? i'm his high school junior.. wow... now playing reunion??.. haha.. but he still say he know me... i dunno la.. maybe mistaken me for jie kot... =p
this is what i say in arndale center... lots and lots of police ... walking around, on horses, in cars.. lots.. got ambulance some more.

this is what i saw on the way back.. i think there's a riot going on...

ribbon biscuit!!!!! don't get cheated my it's looks it taste nothing like it at all!

we did peanut cookies... wow~ again.. pictures are for illustration purpose only... it's as hard as a rock... u need to use your hind tooth to smash it... =p
we made cookies till around 3+am... slept at around 4am.. so chaoz

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 138- Just a cup of tea~ (28/1/11)

Just a cup of tea would make my day~hmm... so sweet and nice... =9

Today's sunset was late... it was around 5 something.. which is quite rare since i came here.. =) so beautiful... God always create this beautiful things around me... hehe... so touch.. =D wee...
feel the love?
Went to church for youth meeting just now... learn that church is like a hospital, where the sick needs healing.. =) i always thought of church as a place for super heroes where everyone has special abilities but not all know how to use them so the church is a training school where people get trained. well =) now i know it's also a place for hurting people.. cool... you were weak,you go to church, then u get better, then u get trained, then you get sent off to do special missions..hmm... brilliant ideas.. School of hope.. nice..
alright that's all for today folks.. =) chaoz.. =p

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 137- Ticket booked! (27/1/11)

so quickly days just passed... time really flies.. zzz sleepy now... went shopping just now... to get some food supply and went to the bank.. =) 
I've booked the train ticket to go over aunty molly's place during new year... =)
Done nothing much today... =p... chaoz

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 136- Design rejected~ (26/1/11)

Went to Uni.... lec look over the design.. says this is not what is wanted...
Friend say design no methodology.. roar... crack my head, thinking of design then get this comment... after hearing then i started explaining my design one by one then he see the specialty of my design... haihz... sad... now need to draw new designs... =/

Tried to restart my phone just now... it hang... last time can straight take battery out... now I phone cannot take battery.. panic.. start praying... simply press.. thank God it work... =)
=) chaoz

Day 135- ROBOT~(25/1/11)

This is what i learn in Uni today =)
How to control this robot =)

it's video

this is what i draw for my airplane design... =)

drew 6 of them ...=)
nothing much done today ....=p

Day 134- Exam over~ (24/1/11)

After so many days of 'piah-ing', finally finish the paper that i was so scared of.... there'e another paper next monday... but after so long of hard work, then come back... really feel like nothing to do... =)
At night, food!

this is my flatmates

we had chinese food but... the food all cold wan.. ok la.. not in a little better than bad la... =p
that's all.. chaoz.. =)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 133- Chasing day (23/1/11)

Went to church, came back, take clothes down to laundry, come up cook, eat(sui kow) *delicious*, go down change clothes to dryer, rest a little while ,make notes,take clothes, went to friends place to start studying... just came back .. around 1.50am++

It's like running a race.. just now, i learn things, understand stuff, but still don't think i know how to apply them, anyways, i don't know why but i'm not anxious over it.. =) God is good.. =) Yeah~ everything will end tomorrow after 4pm, still have class til 6 though.. after that i'll come back rest for a while and i'll go celebrate my flatmates birthday in a restaurant in china town.. so it'll be another busy day.
Came back just now, bath and wanted to start studying again but.. i'm tired so... i don't think i'll do it any more.. let it be.. let God handle everything.. =) so.. i got to go.. chaoz... =) .. pray for me so that God will give me wisdom to answer my exams.=) love all of you.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 132- Study Day (22/1/11)

walking through books~

It’s a happy day
And I praise God for the weather
It is a happy day
Living it for my Lord
It is a happy day
Things are gonna get better
Living each day
by the promises in God’s Word

I pray and study...=) finish reading but knowing to apply them into questions is another big thing... =) but it's no bigger than my God.. =)
I was a little worried about my Final Year Project as I've not seen my lecturer in weeks and I've not done a thing... then when i was resting after reading almost all of the notes *I'm still resting now..* my senior who's project I'm continuing call me. he said he'll be going back to Malaysia on Tuesday.. shock!!!! Then he said he'll revise what he did and teach me on skype.. =) I've got exam so couldn't meet up with him.. so.. i think it's good and i think he'll teach me what to do.. =) I did told God that I was worried about it but this few days I was more worried about my exam, but God remembers... And he does provides... =) God has been so so good today. As i get tired a lot.. having me to sit up and study for hours isn't an easy job... but with God i really do a lot of hours. =)
God is really awesome!!!! I love all of you ... a lot... =) take care... chaoz.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 131- Understood! (21/1/11)

Not in my studies... =p better than that... I understand how i should function.
On the way to church, God has help me to realize that all this while i've been missing the point, the main focus is to look to him and follow His footsteps... but me.. trying to be smart started looking at myself and see myself walk.. then sesat.. then start crying.. I now know i got to see His lead and follow... =D
During worship, I also realize that I've been really demanding rather than being thankful for what i have. I should be contented with what i have and thank God for it. I am really blessed. =)
Exam worries? I don't even know what will happen to me the next second. Why worry?
If God can calm the storms, heal the sick, part the sea, still the sun, what is passing of exams... I serve a mighty God. I don't wanna be like Elijah, I don't want to be intimidated, My God rocks and My God rules. If David can slain Goliath so can I go through all this. I am a warrior of Christ and I shall stand up and fight. I have no faith in myself but I have a God who lives in me. With Him all things are possible. Amen...=)
Love all of you. Thanks for all the encouragements. I'll try my best over here. And i know that God will do the rest. cheers. chaoz

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 130- Trying.. (20/1/11)

... Trying to study hard.. panic... scared... there's my seniors notes so it's a little bit.. as in really little bit better only ler... Taking a very long time to understand a few pages of stuff...
tomorrow will be meeting up with my friends ask them teach me for a few hours...
haihz.. anyways... the exam only cause me 10% but it's driving me crazy.. the marks for this papers final is 70%...
Knowing that the marks aren't that much.. feeling a little better...=) But still need to study cause i don't to waste my 1 or 2 hours sitting in the hall not doing anything. =)
God is good...I may start serving in MAC. Pr Peter ask me if i want to serve.. well i don't know where I can find another church so... i told him ok...
(^.^) Dad and Mom thank you for your love messages (^.^) really needed them... =)
I miss home.. very much... Thank you for everything. Love you . Chaoz

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 129- Pressurized (19/1/11)

Mom, Dad, If I get bad results will you still continue to love me? =,(
I feel really scared now... I really don't know if I can pass my papers... what if everything turn out to be the worst? What if everything goes wrong? What will happen if I can't graduate?
I'm really scared now... I really don't wanna disappoint both of you... but i'm really scared.
I believe, I really do believe that God didn't bring me here to fail, but with pressure there's really lots of doubtful thoughts keep haunting me.
Because God is here i do think everything will be okay... cheerz

Day 128- Exam day~ (18/1/11)

Finish 2 exams... how i flare i don't know and i don't care...2 more exams, 3 more assignments as to date... =)

When i finish my exam i saw this in the park.. it was a tree tied with little transparent people.. they were beautiful.. =)

It was like around 4 as the sky darkens see the moon... it gets dark really early here... it was a full moon .. =) pretty.. =)
Need to learn about the tail of the airplane design so .. chaoz..

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 127- Sister's suprise! (17/1/10)
Wanted to write about how my day was when i heard this... memories of those times where drama rules the day... =D... Where singing Chinese songs with a weebit of english in it is like so canggih... =) hahahaha
Ok the song just ended, now i can get back to blogging.. =p
My day today.. hmm... well, i didn't study for the quiz ... like i already give up on it d la... so today went to Uni happily la.. don't care about whatever worry... I wasn't late... i haven't been late for class since the beginning of this year as in ~below 5-10 minutes la... =p... As the lectures goes on my friend wanted to remind teacher of the quiz.. but i just tell him no need la.. what for right... =)... true enough there wasn't quiz... I kinda feel like it's God's grace and like He keep giving me chances... =) good feeling .. .=)... came back from all the lectures like 6 something , made a meal a.k.a tuna sandwich... then started studying for my exam tomorrow... =)
Ou yah something very interesting happen in my class lesson... It's like the most canggih thing i ever touch.. it's a 3D scanner.. I tell you... Fuyoh~ super like mad.. ok like the phone below...

we scan it with this 60 thousand pound machine... you just scan then the 3D graphics will come up in the computer.. they use this type of tech to make 3D movies.. they use this in HOLLYWOOD. my gweeness!!!!!

This statue that is found in London's train station, well, my lecturer, scan the smaller version of this, that was made of clay, so that they can built things like this... it's like 9 feet tall or something... so cool lo.. and the best part is.. i'm going to learn this technology... next few weeks... i get to play with this cool thing... editing the images would be hard... but isn't it interesting... haha... starting to love the CAD subject just because of this... =D.. yay..
ok i need to get back to revising for tomorrow's exam or not later kaput... haha... love you all lots.. chaoz.. =)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 126- Fear Grips Hard! ( 16/11/10)

It's like this picture

The fear tap WAS opened...
When to church this morning, came back rest and continued my assignment.. after i thought i finish... I tried hard to understand what the whole report was about but i just couldn't grasp the idea of it, so i chat with my friend around 5 something.. to find out that I've done my report wrongly... No kidding, the tap of fear just burst! *BAM* The feeling was like the day before SPM where the fear just grips you so tight that you wanna shout but just couldn't wanna, cry but can't knowing that you need to carry on... I prayed, and i sent my report to my friend and ask him to help, thank God, my friend really did help me. By around 11pm the report was done, tomorrow we are going to have quiz about the assignment... bad ... I don't know how.
Truly God is so real, when you call He hears.
I was really fearful, i wanted a 5 minute rest but my mind just wouldn't let me. I really don't know how i will pass this subject, it's not that i've not tried, i've tried but there's just no understanding of it.. and i really don't know how, i don't understand my lecturer's explanation nor do i understand my friends explanation, I don't wanna worry you all but i really don't know how to go on. It's really hard... =,(
It's like my friend really knows a lot but to explain to me is like you have to go back to basic and tell me how things are link which is not a easy task... *
Everything seems so impossible,but one thing i know, God is here and He'll never let go of me. With this I know deeply that i can carry on.

Day 125- Fighting time~ (15/11/10)

Time really flies... I really didn't know that it's the 10+day d... i was still in the 0+ days... My stuffs expires on this very day, bread, milk... so i meant to go out yesterday, but the clouds was dark so i decided not to.. did my laundry, and started assignment... Really tried to finish it.. but just couldn't.
So, Chaoz

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 124- Disconnected and Reconnected (14/1/11)

Woke up and read the news just now.. shocking to see what has happen.. Brazil flood and landslide, Australia flood, Mt Etna in Italy erupted, man the world is coming to an end while we just make days past... It's like an alarm clock... ringing.. loudly...Screaming out saying it's time to come back~ IT'S TIME TO COME BACK!~ but who will hear this cry? Who is hearing this cry...
The only thing we can do now is to pray, pray for the survivors, pray for people around them to hear the cry.. the countries that has been hit, pray that God will have mercy, and that the people will see God's grace...

Today's sky... I love the sun... but having the sun here doesn't mean that there is heat... you still can't walk outside without your jacket...

Made my 2nd calender Tee. A brand new one for a new year.
Talking about New Year I was wondering if i can go down to Swansea on the second day of CNY. Just for like 2 days and 1 night... Should I? The train ticket is like 20+ pounds.
God has been really good... I've done a little on my report that needs to be hand up on monday... will try harder tomorrow.. .=) chaoz.. Remember to pray!

Day 123- Skype on Iphone 4 (13/1/11)

*teng teng teng teng* It's me calling me... =p
To everyone... *officially announcing* I can video call through my I phone now... =)
Dad wasn't online so i log into his account to call mine... =) this is what i got... =)

Mc callum wearing a sure win headband.. =)

That's ayden and Toby... =) giving encouragement too.. =)

3 of my lovely toys... =) (Toby and Mc Callum look like they're in a riot or something .. only Ayden looks sporty... =D )


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 122- End week one of term 2 (12/1/11)

Was lazing around and going through some design stuff.. found this stuff...

Super Nintendo.. something we used to play when we were young... =)

and this.. Our first game boy... =) Black pixels running around.. hahahaha.. =)
This really shows how old I am now.. haihz...

was watching some HK movies, then got CNY advertisement...Aaaa.. i miss all the good petronas and haha yeos advertisement... some ad that will forever be there... like kurnia... XD
CNY coming soon... how la... no ang pau this year... =(
nothing much happen today le.. so chaoz.. =)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 121- 11111 (11/1/11)

Hello, sorry was really down yesterday... well here's the real story, I was really blur about what was happening yesterday, then after lunch when i went back to uni, i went to 2 lecturers office to collect my results... i got 65 for one and 63 for another, full marks for both is 30, meaning i got 20/30 for one and 18.9/30 for the other... among 3 of us.. mine's the worst so i was really down... then after that i heard the news that there was test today, so i freak out again... but thank God the quiz that needed to happen yesterday got postpone to next week. I studied till quite late last night.
today, we prepared ourselves for exam, looking around i told zhao hong.. wow, look like we were the only ones who misunderstood the lecturer's saying, then my lec came in the class he told us how it's going to be done, then... this is when miracles happen. My classmates started saying one by one that they thought it was only practical and not theoretical! My lec was good, after he heard it he just said:" ok, then we'll have it next week, i'll go and get my stuff to teach. " So... it wasn't only us who misunderstood the message .. it was the wrong message that has been convey. har har har.. no exam.. but next week we have to pass up a report, have a quiz and 1 practical and 1 theoretical exam. better make sure i'm prepared... =p

my last class was cancel, so i went over to the van to get some fruits... i got some apple and some cherries...
God is really good, before starting the day i just told him that i leave everything to Him , and He is really awesome... too good... =) the best!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 120 - 1st day of term 2 (10/1/11)

I woke up early this morning to prepare everything, i had breakfast and i wasn't late for any class.. I thought it was a good day.... =p
And then... I found out that i have a exam TOMORROW!!!! before the holidays what we understand from our lab teacher is that we only have lab test not subjective type. What we found out today was that the exam was separated into 2 parts one on lab and another on subjective. crap right? then i also found out that i have another exam on the 31 January, next week i'll have 2 exams and one report... phew.. tough first day man..
But God is really good, because when we wanted to go to another class we saw our robotic teacher and that's when we found out.. thank God we met him, or not we will be stuned in class tomorrow.
me, ben and zhao hong studied until 2am just now... don't really know all now, but just leave everything to God la... He knows best.. =)
Got to go wash up and sleep, please pray for me thanks.. chaoz

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 119- Getting ready for Uni reopen (9/1/11)

Went to church this morning, learn about being a good witness, and learn that i need to take the bible seriously... after church i went and buy this dunno what tea la... my throat like bengkak d.. so need those... =p

animal biscuits without box cost like 50p each.. 30p cheaper than those that have box.. =)..
Read thru what i need for my test /quiz tomorrow.. don't understand a thing.. just pray la... xien man... headache.. so got to go and bath and rest d... chaoz

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 118- Friends b'day! (8/1/11)

Had bible study class just now, we learn about the gospels, the ones we have and the lost ones.. mom, how do we know that the bible is complete, on the bible it says all scriptures are spirit breath but how would you know that it's all God wants cause because of the catholic thingy and then is it martin luther or someone found that thier bible isn't right then they choose again and then we have our bible again... so it was change so how do we know that it's the authentic one?
After bible study i had group study to discuss about the airplane stuff.. =)
then my friend phone and ask if we want to go over cause they made mushroom soup and lasagna. nice... so tasty

the chef of mushroom soup aka DJ of the night, Kang yao.
And the server aka cleaner, Daniel.

This is done by chef Chin Loon. You'll see him later.

The B'day boy, Tsu Keat

This is the lasagna chef aka wine lover.
After food we had karaoke and they open sparkling .. and me not knowing the difference between UK sparkling and M'sia sparkling drank... Jia lat man... contains alcohol... bitter like mad... i only had half cup but didn't wanna finish it so i pour half of it into my friends cup. =)
Karaoke was fun, because some of them were busy drinking no one really cares about how you sing, you can croak like a frog yet everybody will come and sing along, no one laughs at you and no one looks around all focus on the lyrics only.. so fun.. =)
mel, can you send me some worship songs please? with lyrics wan la.. those we normally sing in church wan... =) can?
tomorrow's church day.. and i wanna do laundry so i got to get up early... =) so chaoz...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 117- Cell day~ (7/1/11)

Tried to sleep at 11pm last night.. .i think i roll around till 4 something... I didn't on my heater yet i felt hot, keep turning around.. haihz..
I studied ... a little la.. not that much, but at least i studied. =)
then later on i prepared potato salad to go for cell, prepare for 10 mana tau only 5 people in cell.. haihz.. bring back almost half or more... =(
but it's good.. i did tell Shyen Wei how our youth felt the presents of God and how i fell that MAC is quite dry... felt a little bad telling the truth but i think they should know right? =p or did i do something wrong.. hmm... ou i bought the heat rub yesterday.. i haven't been walking a long way so i don't really know if it really works, but the short walk just now didn't hurt that much... praise the Lord.. =)

Day 116- 1.15 hr Shopping~(6/1/11)

I actually woke up and wanted to study, but i know i need to go to town, so i got up and prepared to go to town, gave myself 1hr to shop, but it ended up 1 hr and 15 minutes.. not bad.. and this is the best thing i got.

Ou I forgot to introduce, this is Toby ( Christmas present from Ai Vee, my flatmate). wha ti was satisfied is my cup of tea...=) i bought tea... yay~

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 115- Nothing happen (5/1/11)

Woke up at around 10 something, didn't do that much.. find some data for my other assignment as in quite little.. then i started watching show. In the show, it's a taiwan show and there were old people in them, some of them speak in hokkien and one of them really sounded like ah kong. Sudden;y i just thought of ah kong's laughter.. when he smile... =) it's really beautiful. and in that show there was one scene where it's really sunny outside and there's a FAN turning on the ceiling. Here in UK you'll never find one. I really miss getting hot and a fan is like heaven. I did told my friends. they told me they could borrow me their heaters so that i can sweat.. == orz rite.

Treasure what i have now is more important isn't it? this is what i saw today, pretty skies.... looks so fluffy and nice.

My friend made this apple crumble... =)
May go to town tomorrow to get some stuff. =) feel like having a cup of bubble tea now =) chaoz

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 114- Relax or Pressurize? (4/1/11)

Slept at 5.30am... i tried to finish my assignment but fail to.. woke up, heard a sermon adn continue assignment... finish till where i know how...=) it's good

while i was doing, my flatmates cook this 'tong sui' for me.. so shiok le..
I actually want to go to town just now but after i finish... i just don't have the strength to go...
Wanted to start a new assignment but rested with a movie, and then they wanted to go ASDA so i went with them, bought some food stuff.. i though i've rested my leg properly... it didn't get any better... I started walking not more than 10 minutes my leg started to hurt... haihz... 5 more days till school reopens... tense man i tell you.. so much to be done..sweating profusely d... =)
har har har... everything is going to be alright. =) wee... c'mon lets dance... =)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 113- Laundry + homeworkday (3/1/11)

Did laundry, called home twice just for fun... =)
heard like 3 sermons from Hillsong London.
Started homework at around 9pm... =)

Things like that in my assignments that drive me crazy... but thank God there is my seniors assignment and my friends back-up. they're really great.. God is really sufficient.. Woo Hoo!!!!! God is just so so good and great and mighty and glorious and awesome and wonderful and extraordinary and =) i'm lost for words.. XD

look at what he has made..=)

this is me at work... super messy... =P

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 112- Missed church (2/1/11)

Okay, I didn't like not going to church either.. but i woke up late, for some reason my alarms not waking me.. i know it's dangerous... but... haihz... I'll try to c what i can do kay.
I didn't attend church but i hear 2 sermons online. so I guess it's not that bad...

this is what i had for lunch, remember the other half salmon..=9 delicious.
In the afternoon I went to my friends place to discuss about our assignment, well we ended up into a religious exchange points of views, which i come to know that there's more in buddhism than what we always know... they got different levels and different ways of seeing their god... and it really depends on own personal point of view... I didn't really know how to share with them, but i know that it was a good time to share so i add in however i know how to share and tell them while they tell me about buddhism and i ask them was quite exciting/ a little tense... and a little bit 'chi kek'.. I don't really know how to put it but, it's like I want to share christ while understanding what they believe and do. trying to counter them but don't know how to... hmmm... got to train hard.. =)
Anyways we had pizza for dinner and continue doing our assignment, well, more of me looking and them doing, or to say just one doing....=p ... just came back not long ago, had a feet spa, and watch a movie, time to go now.. chaoz
what i found later on!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 111- Year 2011 (1/1/11)

What a group of special numbers... it's my 111 day here in Manchester and the date is chun.. anyway i miss out a part about the count down we were watching.. well to me London made a great joke... while the count down timer was still counting down the London clock sturck 12 and started banging... then a while later the fireworks went on.. THEN at last it was 00 happy new year.. it wasn't synchronize at all... haha.. i laugh like mad. =)

so here's a pic of it la.. hahahaha.. look carefully.. the clock it at 12.01am d...

this is my brunch+dinner..
How's my new year going? Well I woke up quite late... talk to God, then my sis, then read up some stuff, or rather watch video on robots that my assignment requires, made a 2011 calender that i wanted to put on my shirt and found out that it doesn't fit how i want it to be, and i learn some Korean.. haha.. i use goggle translation to learn.. how cool is that? Quite worried about how i will do in my coming exams... haihz... anyway... i spend the whole new year day with my computer. =)
Tomorrow will be a better day. Chaoz