Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 111- Year 2011 (1/1/11)

What a group of special numbers... it's my 111 day here in Manchester and the date is chun.. anyway i miss out a part about the count down we were watching.. well to me London made a great joke... while the count down timer was still counting down the London clock sturck 12 and started banging... then a while later the fireworks went on.. THEN at last it was 00 happy new year.. it wasn't synchronize at all... haha.. i laugh like mad. =)

so here's a pic of it la.. hahahaha.. look carefully.. the clock it at 12.01am d...

this is my brunch+dinner..
How's my new year going? Well I woke up quite late... talk to God, then my sis, then read up some stuff, or rather watch video on robots that my assignment requires, made a 2011 calender that i wanted to put on my shirt and found out that it doesn't fit how i want it to be, and i learn some Korean.. haha.. i use goggle translation to learn.. how cool is that? Quite worried about how i will do in my coming exams... haihz... anyway... i spend the whole new year day with my computer. =)
Tomorrow will be a better day. Chaoz

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