Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 115- Nothing happen (5/1/11)

Woke up at around 10 something, didn't do that much.. find some data for my other assignment as in quite little.. then i started watching show. In the show, it's a taiwan show and there were old people in them, some of them speak in hokkien and one of them really sounded like ah kong. Sudden;y i just thought of ah kong's laughter.. when he smile... =) it's really beautiful. and in that show there was one scene where it's really sunny outside and there's a FAN turning on the ceiling. Here in UK you'll never find one. I really miss getting hot and a fan is like heaven. I did told my friends. they told me they could borrow me their heaters so that i can sweat.. == orz rite.

Treasure what i have now is more important isn't it? this is what i saw today, pretty skies.... looks so fluffy and nice.

My friend made this apple crumble... =)
May go to town tomorrow to get some stuff. =) feel like having a cup of bubble tea now =) chaoz

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