Just by saying I WILL do it.. means I won't do it... =)
Tried to study.... well i really did try... just gone through a few pages.. starting to panic now... because there lots to do tomorrow. Got to do my laundry and go to town to get some stuff... just by not going out for 3 days... my food supply has run down from 2 blocks to 1 block....=) i EAT LOTS over here.. =)
My brunch.... egg + carrot+sweet sour sauce+ fish fillet+ a little bit uncooked rice.... wat to do.. still learning ma... XD
Jie ask me to try making my screen transparent... well without photoshop... i try la... don't look like it's working rite.. haihz... WILL try again la... =)
Went to church for youth meeting.. today we study about 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:16... we were ask lots of why questions, like why can't the people in Corinth accept Jesus, the Jews and the Greeks, why were Jesus crucifixion s stumbling block to the Jews and Why does the Greeks think it's foolishness?why did Paul said he came in weakness and fear and with much trembling? all this questions got me thinking... I didn't of it that much stuff when i was reading...
Wow.. I was *BAM* struck down... then carefully thinking of the answers with the groups discussion i really understand lots of stuff... In Corinth there were lots of gods so to say that Christ is the ONLY ONE... doesn't seem right to them, makes me think of Buddhism... they got lots of gods and stuff like that. ...
The Jews thought that the messiah would be the one leading them into victory, and god to the Greeks are Heroes that earn their places... and when Jesus died on the cross, both were feeling really weird cause to the Greeks Heroes don't die what more dying on the cross.. and the Jews... their hope to reconstruction of their kingdom was crushed... so they couldn't accept it.
Paul said those words because he had learn his lesson, before he went to Corinth, he was in Athens, there he debated with knowledge and wisdom of man... but the outcome of it was just few people being saved.. so knowing that by his own wisdom and strength he can do nothing, he has learn to put everything to God.
We read that "God's weakness is still stronger that us" so we were ask if God had a weakness... after hearing.. the weakness actually doesn't mean God had a weakness.. the weakness is the weakness that people see, that is of the cross.. Christ died helplessly.. but that weakness is the strongest thing that ever happen and like it is said in 1:18 for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Yeah and that's what all of us believe in.. Woo Hoo !!!
I actually thought of skipping today's youth meeting as i thought i would have studied... but thank God... I attended... =) so happy .. I learn lots today... and I also know that action speaks louder than words... so it's time to act... yay~...
Pray that i'll study la har... for my exams.. or better still... pray that the exam will be canceled...XD.. wee... Things are going to get better by the day. =)
Don't worry be happy, for the joy of the LORD is my strength. and if God is for me no one can be against me.Amen. Woo Hoo~Have a great day ahead. Cheerz..
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