Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 106- Break camp (27/12/10)

Woke up later than usual this morning as in 7.45am... in camp the usual was 7am.. i've packed my stuff last night.. so i've got lots of time.. it was raining last night so the skies were gloomy so no sunrise picture.. =(
before breaking camp they played a video on the song "people need the Lord"... well if all of you reading this can.. please pray for Manchester... pray that as Jesus can revive the dead, that he also can revive the spiritual death of manchester. I haven't found a church who speak in tongues and don't do weird things... as in... i don't really know how to put it.. as in not that weird la.. something like ours... Pray that our generation will rise up as in be lively for God.
Had fun knowing new people in camp and know that more people know me and i'm no more alone... let's see on friday because my friends will be going down to London and i've gotta go to church alone again... =)

This was taken on the way back

the rivers were turning into ice and can you see the snowy mountains.. during spring .. the trees were red and orange... i've seen it on the way back from welcome camp... it's really beautiful..=)
came back.. wash my clothes, made dinner and watch TRON... haha.. to my suprise.. i watch the wrong one ... i watch the old version one as in the one from the 80s or 90s i guess.. cause the graphic was... hehe... u fill in...
ou yeah when i came back i saw a christmas present hanging on my door... it's a blue nose husky toy... =)... too lazy to take a pic of it.. will do tomorrow.. so stay tune... i'm quite tired after a day of work and play.. got to go bath and ... =) see ya in my dreams.. tata.. =)

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