Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 104- Christmas (25/12/10)

It's Christmas morning.. 2nd day of camp woke up early... got up early this is what i see from the secret place

the heater in the secret place weren't on so i had to leave it after a little while... i went into another room where nobody is sleeping and call my parents... =) heard the success of the christmas event... felt so happy and proud for TOP but felt a little sad cause i didn't get to participate in such nice event... =) but most importantly God's name has been glorified... Well Done!

this is taken on the way to the main area

this was the field


this is the translating system, dad u remember during church anniversary we did build one system for the Myanmar people... or something like that... this is the real equipment

it's wireless so this is what the people who need chinese translation received. I still feel ours is more economical and nice... =) i so miss the time of creating stuff during special occasions.. =(

they were sledding while i slept... =)

Christmas dinner

my pop

the table with lamb meat, blah...blah...blah..

turkeysssss.... it's nice.. =)

this is what i got for my exchange gift... (MARRY christmas)hahahahahhaha *is this your invitation card or i've just exchange my gift for a marriage ?*...XD

this is what i got ... at first when i got the book i was like.. what in the world is this... a chinese book... wow?... then i read carefully and this is what it says "I LOVE CURRY VILLAGE-my mission in India" I was like wow.. this is a good book... then i thought... is it a coincidences or God wants me to go to India.. haha =P

After the message we got this for supper.. it's called minced pie, but has no meat in it at all.. =(... it's really sweet...
things are getting better =)
The sky at night was amazing.. full of stars... so beautiful... but my phone camera... haihz... can't take any shots of them existing... =(
Anyway... merry christmas everyone. ^^v

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