Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 105- Sledding day~ (26/12/10)

It's boxing day~ people are busy shopping while i'm in camp..=( but it's ok.. it was my choice to be with God than be else where...

this is sunrise... from u know where =)

another shot

It's in the morning but there's still's really beautiful.

this is my breakfast =).. got chok sumore... as in porridge la... not i get choke.... =P

This is lunch.. the taste is amazing... =) Woo Hoo i'm enjoying the food here.. their cooks were amaing... AAAAAAAhhhhhh... so shiok...

I made a few new friends so ... =) they help me out and i went sledding.. no photos of me sledding but this is what i sat... =) it's fun , i sled down the slope of snow.. woo hoo.. getting to know more friends so i'm not that lonely anymore.. and we actually started to sit together as a group to have food... that's nice.. =)
Last day of camp... well their camp isn't much like ours.. like ours have alter call and stuff after message but theirs doesn't..and they don't pray in the spirit... they said their precher preach lively messages but.. through All the messages... i was 30% zZz... as in i was fishing la.. I wonder weather... they have really experience what we have... the flow of the spirit.. and stuff like that.. as in .. in camps ... we all love camps because it's where we see wonders and come really close to God and it was really great.. but i don't know... there's just no church like my home church.. i know i need to adapt but... it's different here. maybe it's because i'm still not used to the people here.. because most of them grew up in manchester and it's their home church so maybe that makes all the difference...
Played UNO with my team till around 12am ... we had a good game.. they play it in teams as in it's break into 2 teams then your team can help you by intercepting if they have a same card.. well we really had fun time playing that and that really made us have a closer relationship.

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