Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 107- My first Boxing day experience~(28/12/10)

Woke up at around 12-1pm... was really tired after the camp and then i stayed up till about 4am so... that's the result of it...=)
Went to town to buy groceries as... my flatmates are leaving on the 30th and if they're gone... i got nobody to cook for me.. *hehe paiseh* so i gotta replenish some easy cook food.. =)
went around to see what boxing day is and found this..

Ta-da~ 7 books of narnia for only 8 pounds!!!!!! this is super duper cheap ok.. it was like 35 pounds originally... and online u can get it only around 9 something the cheapest... woo hoo.. so super duper happy la... now i no need to watch shows everyday cause i have these.. but a bit bad also la.. i need to study wan but.. i'm too interested in it to neglect it's presents... so.. =P
Had a really bad gastric pain... eat medication and prayed.. was well the next morning... all praise and glory be to God. =)

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