Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 42- Camp Day 3 (24/10/10)


Spot the rabbit

Hong Kong Won Ton Mee... can you imagine 4 person wakes up early, and cook for 70++ people... amazing people... salute man...

day break...

Wow Wow Wows... Can you see all that????? things that you see in Wales look like those you would see in the movies... It's super duper BEAUTIFUL~~~~~~~~~WUUUUAAAAAAA!
Came back from camp.. wash 2 loads of clothes, after it's been washed... it got threw out on the soapy top of the washing machine by 2 ang mos... had to wash another time... =) altogether 3 loads... tried to take only those that was on the top so that i dun have to do a 4... was really angry at them... then i remembered today's words in the devotion, love those that are unlovable... couldn't get angry anymore... anyways life isn't perfect everyone meets problem, but the way we deal with it can be different and that in itself changes all situations, May all glory and honour be unto the Father in Heaven. =)... Had a wonderful camp. Gotta get some rest. Chaoz

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