Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 21- 3rd week, I Survived !

Woke up 7 something this morning to do the laundry.. it took me 3 hours plus, why.. because out of the 2 one machine is spoiled and i didn't know.. the first time i took my clothes... it was all wet so i thought it didn't do the job the first time it'll do the second time, so i tried again... and i notice the motor wasn't turning after water flush there wasn't anymore sound.. thus.. I gotta go back the third time to wash all of it properly... but thank God there wasn't anyone using the dryer so i split all of my clothes to 4 dryers.. I know it's wasting energy.. but all of it dried just in time for me to go to church.. hahahahahhahaha
3rd week in church and still loving it.. in fact.. loving it more.. got to know more people.. as in 3 more negros. Ursula, Biola & Choma, ou there's another one called Blessing. Then i got to know a angmo, Ben. then another one from Melaka call Nee Chee i think, there's another uncle but i forgot his name.
My friend just tell me that people here are not used to people calling them respectfully as in you don't call aunty and uncle, you just call their names even if it's your friends parents, let say Mark and Sandy, You've to call them Mark and Sandy you can not call them uncle and aunty.. not so asian culture rite? like not being respectful like that but that's how it works here. Even in Uni, you can't call your lecturer 'Sir'. You need to call him his name. Super Duper Weird lo.
I get lots of sunshine in my room, if it so happens to have sun.. Here's today's sunset pic

Nice Right~ Cool.
Heard a great message from Louie Giglio on Laminin
Laminin is a molecule that acts like steels in the foundation of buildings, it molecules in our body that holds us together , you just got to see this cell.

Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Can you see it, the thing that holds us together is laminin, How could you look over this. It's like there's lots of cross in your body... It's really mind blowing.. Woo Hooo!!!!!!

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