Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 45- Nice weather~sad story (27/10/10)

What i carry home...


London bus

Woke up at 8.55am and my class is 9am.. =)... i flew to class... didn't miss anything though. After class I came back and have some rest , then went out to do some shopping, the weather was excellent.. really, in all my days here, yesterday we had the best weather ever.. i went to buy groceries and it was heavy... but at least now i got food...=)
Had a great time, while i was shopping i heard news.. something about there's lots of dead bodies and a woman apparently try to capture images of the dead body and was told by the police to stop but she didn't so the police snatch her camera and crush it... i was curious about the news and when i came back to the flat my friend told me there was a tsunami.. i was like ok.. because i was rushing for time to go to "church in home" aka cell group. When i came home i quickly check the news.... it was really saddening ... indonesia not only got hit by tsunami, it even has an volcano eruptions causing all the death tolls to rise.... then Thailand by floods.. ouch.. it really hurts seeing those news... the places that was hit by the tsunami was so interior that it needs 14 hours boat ride from padang, indonesia... 400++ people still missing... =,( ... dead or alive, no one knows... haihz... just pray that everything will be alright...
Indonesis and thailand hit... are all of you alright... please keep away from the shores this few days...

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know that the wather can be that bad in London. Anyway, you will be in London only for a short period of time. Just bear with whatever that is uncomfortable and soon you will be back in Sunshine Malaysia.
