Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 46- Aku Anak Malaysia~(28/10/10)

No classes today, so i made brunch... hehe... omelet sandwhich with cornflakes and milk... yumms... nothing much done today...

Like it or not, it's my country and that's where I belong~
People may say otherwise, but what does that matter, My God says that this is His country, and if it's His then it's mine.
Proud to be a Malaysian.
Have faith and hope will come. Claim this nation, cause it's ours.

To all Malaysians:
Wake up, and see how blessed you are. See how God's mercy is upon you. Thailand, Indonesia, and Philippines, all those who are near us is being hit somehow or another. Can't you just wake up? Do you wanna wait till the stones cry out? Wake up, and grab the opportunity before it's to LATE.

Pray before anything bad starts to happen, get ready,for we are going to be send out, near or far, BE READY~

This people are disrupting the peace of night. Shouting like mad.... haihz...

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