Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 268- 325 steps + High Force! (7/6/11)

This is the room i stayed in .. =) 214 i like the number..=)

Woke up and went to Durham Cathedral

This is what is in it.. very weird though.. (no photos can be taken.. i did it secretly and got caught.. =p) the cathedral was full of saints as usual... this one has lots of statues and tombs in it.. hmm.. and some were headless.. the whole .. it's weird... one of them.. the whole tomb. the small statues that surrounded it was also headless.. don't know how to discribe..

yes climb 325 steps up the tower at my own risk =p

this is the view.. twin towers.. =] pay 5 bucks to see the view.. not bad though.. saw cemetries, rivers and houses.. * fake smile*

this is the castle..

the sticker on me says I climb Durham Cathedral Tower.. =p

nice right???

this is their canteen.. my goodness..look at this man.. so nice.. people's uni is a castle mine is a working building.. =( sadly after seeing some parts we kena halau keluar because we weren't their students.. =p the nice part? we finish taking photos that we want.. haha.. =)

things that i want finish so i ordered something weird.. hmm.. look like pasta on rice.. manage to finish it.. thank God.. =)

After that we went to High force waterfall..
it's the first time i sat and see it .. alone.. i purposely further myself from the group to hear the sounds and see it properly.. the sound of water smashing water, water flowing over rocks and into a hole, the smell of nature, the the wonders of the waterfall, the water that came smashing down look like fire works, really, it's really beautiful, there's waterfalls in the waterfalls, it's layered out, the water is brown but clear.. to just sit there and wonder at God's creation.. it's really great.. we had a so call picnic there.. =) i climb lots of rocks which i haven't for a while .. i really enjoy it.. jumping from rocks to rocks without using hands.. God has really showed his gracious hands.. i was surrounded with rocks and i missed a step, i turned 360 degress and the only way that i could explain of me being able to find my balance back is that there was an angel.. =p sounds weird right, but i was standing on a pointed edge of the rock and when i lost my balance my hands were holding on to some potato chips.. and the rocks were too low for me to grab.. that moment was really crucial and dagerous.. i really thank God that i'm alive without injuries... He's really great... i continue to climb rocks but this time with more care and focus.
God is great .. we reach Manchester around 9 something at night, rested for a while and unpacked stuff, went out at 11pm cause my sister's friend is here and she wanted to look at the town before she go back to M'sia, so we brought her out, saw chines beating up a black.. tired but slept at 5am.. =p.. haha..
miss you all lots.. love you. chaoz

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