Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 266- Alnwick Castle (5/6/11)

Alnwick castle, one of the few castles that has people occupying it... =) it's occupied by the Percy family.. ( the dukes)

This guy behind me is some one by the name of Harry 'hotspur', went to war at the age of 8 and got knighted at the age of 11, at 14 he was called as a hero.. =) super yeng lo, but sadly no one actually knows how he looks like, in this monument his face was built according to his descendant which is the 12th duke (Ralph) that is staying in the castle now. How the horses stand on the monuments has it's own meaning, all four legs on the floor means that the hero died in a ripe old age or died in sickness, while one leg up means getting injured in battle and then dying in a few days time, two legs up means that the hero died in the battle field ( a show of honouring them). 'Hotspur' is a nick name, it appeared in William Shakespeare poem also.. =)

This is alwick castle , the field i'm standing is where they film harry potter's first film ( the broom lessons).. =)

This behind me is my dragon.. haha.. they usually associate knights with dragons.. hmm. i still wonder why..

this scenery is so beautiful that it can be frame.. =) me likey

this is me guarding the castle with a hot choc that burn my tongue.. =p

This was use as a mark for harry potter's Hagrids house.. =)
When into the poisonous garden which taught me on the stuff that is not so easy to understand well you see, all the flowers and grass and leaves looks the same but some are really poisonous and that you wouldn't want to put it in your salad..

this +


This... i think can create a potion that makes you lose your memory.. hmm.. cool huh.. but most probably you'll die eating it.. i don't know ..

Spot the green berries? this berries will choke you if you eat them.. * scary*

This is what they call a mandrake plant which the person who explain said that it looks like a human when it's pluck out and it screams, was mention in the bible and harry potter films.. =)
I also learn that rose mary is not good.. if a pregnant women bath with it in the bath tub she is most likely to get a miscarriage ... -_-

This may look pretty but a munch of it could kill you.. @@

the gate is locked, no body gets to go in unless there is a tour...=0 i got on to one.. yipee.. i really like learning about them, but the book of the explaination cost 5 pounds which i gave up.. =)

The toilet, really looks like you need to climb up to sit on you throne .. haha..

look at the statues on top? it was the duchess idea, you know why.. well let me tell you.. she loves garden gnomes and as she's rich and wanted something special so they were put on top of the castle.. =) there's a sad side.. a lot of them were smashed down by her son because he hated it very much but one day someone told him that they look like guards at night, so he stop hitting them down and it was a good thing, he only needed to put a guard on the look out and night because from far it looks like they're 4-5 guards guarding. =)

this is call as the barbican the reason we use this exit was because we were the last to go out, well the barbican is the most successful one in england, it is where they trap their enmies and stop them from attacking the castle, the enemies that were trap in there were thrown with dead mice, , human waste and most of the things that smells bad, they didn't know anything about infection or anything at that time, the only thing that was in their thoughts at that time was anything that smelss bad isn't good for the body.. =) so they'll first injured the enemies and then throw this stuff down.. =) got it?

After exiting, found this near the carpark on a bridge.. weird isn't it.. ?

After that we went to Newcastle China Town~

We had buffet and this is what i get.. =) me love..

After dinner we went to see the newcastle tilt bridge.. =) it looks like a normal bridge but google it and you'll see how wonderfully it's design.. =)
there's a walk way and the arch, it looks like an eyelid, when it's time for the boat to past trough the walkway would be folded up so that the boat could past .. it uses the rotation rather than lifting or bending.. =)
this place is really wonderful and God has been really gracious and great.. =)

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