Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 230- Aiks~ (30/4/11)

Woke up around 2 somehting in the afternoon .. thank God.. I haven't been sleeping for 8 hours or more... it was really satisfying.. but time consuming.. haihz.. woke up and read the bible.. i think part of the reason for my computer breakdown was because i was focusing too much on the computer and not God.. it was a fun time.. it's' my last page of daily bread.. so tomorrow.. i guess i'll use the internet's wan.. cause i don't know where to get it from.. i've search the bookstores but they haven't got it.. anyway... the point is i really had a good time with God.. learn to hunger for God more.. i got scared at the verse where it says you call the devil your father.. wah really wake up call man.. really indulging to much on the computer is really bad... making it an idol instead of a servant.. hmmm.. better listen to advice before something bad happens.. =p

Collected my computer from my friends place around 4 something.. well after all the installation it's like 8 pm... Sorry for not blogging.. for the past few days i was really tired and when i wanted to blog my com when on holiday.. so here we are back again.. haha.. ok .. have to get back to books asap now.. chaoz..

Have a wonderful day.. love you all lots

end up no mood to study~ jia lat man....

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