Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 207- Sky to mesmerizing (7/4/11)

Went to see my lecturer today~ news weren't that good... emm... the things that i did was okay.. but the report was on the light side he said.. because i only have 28 pages of contents... before seeing my lec my hope were high.. i hadn't wrote this much alone before.. never.. it's more than four thousand five hundred lec ask me to write another 10 pages.. just as i thought i was finishing.. anyways.. i bought a pizza and

this.. Uni hoodie.. which cost me only 5 pounds.. I haven't touch my FYP since i came back.. till now.. just feel like resting for a while... did my laundry though.. hmm.. where should i go for Easter break? the harry potter school? ou.. forget to tell you the plane design marks were out i got 77... not bad for me cause i only do a little stuff.. feel bad for the one who did the most job though..

these were the skies.. i was too afraid to put my phone out of the window to take pic because i'm afraid that i'll drop it accidentally..

Then i realize i don't have to go from the bottom.. i can go from the side.. =p
isn't sunset beautiful.. it was around 8 something and then the sun set..

then the moon came out..

can't be seen clearly.. but it looks like a smile.. like God smiling to me.. =) God has been really good and faithful. =) chaoz

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