Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 225- FOOD!!!! (25/4/11)

Woke up 9.3- this morning so that i could go to town to get the groceries i needed.. well this is some of it~

This is for a week or two.. hmm.. (only lunch) see the carrot~ looks super fresh.. broccoli + carrot+ salad cream.. hmm.. best match.. ou and the green peas here.. super fresh not like those we have at home frozen and hard.. all this is like so fresh.. hmmm.. =)

It's maggie's birthday so we went to a shop name ZOUK an indian food shop...Best food in Manchester so far~ this photo is curry that taste like 'kaya' eat with garlic nuun ~ marvelous man... wah~ sedap... aahhh.. still loving the smell of it~ =9

After that, my friends went into a bar... they all drank beer, but not me~we had a great time.. haha.. aaahhh.. i'm so in love with food~ ok la .. haha.. chaoz

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