Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 238- Yo~ It's mama's day! Yay~ (8/5/11)

Yo Mum~ Happy Mother's Day~ haha...=p
Sorry i can't be there to celebrate this day with you.. but i really hope you had a happy one.. one full of love.. =) Mom, I love you very very much, MUACKS!!!! =) A virtual kiss from me.. Will give you the real one when i see you.. haha..

Was in church today and pastor talk about integrity.... how we should be responsible for our words.. and action.. =) it was a good one.. =)

They had some charity thing going on and they sold this.. i bought a few.. this is the red bean one

and this is the peanut one.. it's something like mochi.. but a bigger version.. taste nice~ they call it something like 'ma lai kou' or something.. i'm not sure.. =9
Had chicken korma curry for lunch.. adding all this up.. i had a gastric attack again.. but thank God it wasn't that serious.. i'm fine now.. so don't have to worrry about me.. =)

Manchester United first place again. haha.. it's like so fun la.. somewhere that i live in is winning.. haha.. nice kan..

look at this.. it's around 9pm and the sun was just about to set.. =) this is what we call summer~ haha.. really weird.. either you get long nights or you get long days.. it rain today.. for a while but it's' nice, because i think it shoo off the pigeon that was on my roof making its sound all day~
This morning i saw something weird in the sky.. it doesn't look like a plane because it wasn't cutting through any clouds and usually the planes don't fly that direction .. it was something white that looks like it's slowly landing stuff... pure weird. i tried to take picture but couldn't for 2 reason.. 1. my outer window is super dirty and no one has come to clean it.. 2. my camera's aren't that canggih.. =(
Anyways.. I just got back from my friends place not long ago.. was doing out Advance Cad Cam studies.. well i would say it was quite a fruitful one.. =) ... gonna do it tomorrow again..
What a pleasent day it is.. i thank God for everything... =)
Love you guys so looking forward to see you all. hahahhahahahahaa.. yay~

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