Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 192-Friends~ (23/3/11)

This morning when i was doing my quiet time i kinda understand something new, well recently i kept asking God what would i do after my studies and all where He wants me to be and all i really did expect Him to reply me immediately, i know it should be so but... i kinda desperately want the answer... but as i read the scriptures i learn that we need to wait patiently for the Lord. As in sometime the answer really don't come immediately. In his timing. =)

As you all know i still have an assignment that i don't know how to do.. errmmm.... my friend has took it up and help me to do.. almost all of it.. =p.. but he let me do it myself i really don't know how to do.. pai seh le... emm.. dunno what to say or do le.. haihz.. =)
anyways.. God is really good le..
Daddy, mommy where should i go after this? it looks like the UK VISA thing have change.. I don't know what it say.. dad help me see and explain to me can?
missing you all over here.. =(.. i try finding a sugar glider pet here but it's really expensive here.. it's like 200 bucks.. in penang also 200 bucks it's like 5 times more over here.. =,(
Should i go back penang.. but what will i do there?hmm..

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