Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 171- Science center Manchester (2/3/11)

Well, it's actually call as MOSI science museum.. but it's like science center, Singapore's one more high tech la.. but this one also not bad la... took lots of photo.. but all not with me.. =p
so here some pic that i have in my phone...

us on tv (we need to register ourselves as we go in)
back row: daniel, zhao hong,kang yao, ben
{ben(PSDC) and zhao hong(KL) is my course mates}
front row: maggie, aivee(house mates) & me

me trying to hide in the safe!

meal after trip.. =) mayo tuna in jacket potato.. =9

free pizza (just write your phone number and e-mail add then its FREE)

AND THIS is my smart doing... I BOUGHT CREAM!!!! it's so so tasty o.O

I crop a part of the photo (well of course is the part where there is me being 'yeng') XD
Should i put this on FB? but it has lots of noise... Iphone camera... XP
I miss dancing~and singing loudly when there is nobody... =)
My lec ask me to see him at 9am tomorrow.. so early!!!!!!!!
After the science center and some grocery shopping.. my batt is running at a red alert level so.. chaoz.. love you all lots.. =) muacks!

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