Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 185- Steamboat Day~ ( 16/3/11)

Went to Uni for the viva session for the airplane design stuff.. well i only speak like 2 sentence and all was done by my friend.. =) fun isn't it.. =p
then i stayed in Uni for a while to continue a little bit more of another design assignment.
Came back and started work

While working.. i got some spare- time so i cooked myself spaghetti... yay~ it was the busiest working day in halls.. people came in like every 15-30 minutes.. i can't even watch the interview session in full..
After that we decided to do a steamboat night inviting my flatmates..

Went to town to stock up stuff, mine stuff was running low so i had to =)
And Yes you are right, the jelly in the corner was mango pudding jelly.. had to pamper myself a little after a days work.. =p
the photos for steamboat night will most probably be up tomorrow..
Ou there's one thing that i feel guilty about.. we were eating steamboat then we forgot that inside the fish ball there's pork.. my flatmate that was islam ate it... we didn't tell her.. =p
how to tell u tell me? but we didn't do it on purpose wan leh.. haihz..
God is good in supplying for all our needs... Amen

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