Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 53- It doesn't take a resident to be a true Malaysian.(4/11/10)

A true Malaysian doesn't need to be in Malaysia to start praying for Malaysia. Malaysia has a calling, so have I. Before this, I really wanted to stay back in Malaysia to see things move, to join in the fun of being part of the change... but now I think Manchester needs me, where I am they need me. It is said of this nation to be dead spiritually, well, the rocks haven't cry out so means there are worshipers and there's hope. As much as I want to see Malaysia rise up, I want to see revival in Manchester. Hope? with God, it's always there. I believe there's a plan for Manchester, I don't know what it is, there is a scroll to be open. I choose to stand for my generation! A generation that can do great exploits for the glory of God. I may not know my purpose, but i know that i can pray.

My new recipe lunch- sweet and sour maggie mee with egg. =)
I cooked curry chicken for dinner (with the help of my friend of course *wink* )

Went to library just now and it was really fun. I went in return osamu tezuke's book then went to the reservation section, pick up 2 books with my name, check out and walk out. Fast and smooth. =)

I walk to a shop to get strawberry cheese cake, they got nice ones for only 1 pound each, well, i got to bring dessert for cell group tomorrow so i bought 3 as there's like 9-10 people i guess. I should pay 3 pounds, but it was on offer and i had to pay only half the price amazing isn't it... but that's not the best part.

The best part was, it was raining, and i know i had to go get the cake because there isn't any on tuesday.. out of stock... so if i go tomorrow and there is no stock means i need to get the same cake at another shop for 1.99 or 2.99 pounds each, so, i prayed, I ask God to help me stop the rain, no cold and help me reserve cakes (as in help the shop to have cheap cakes for me to buy), and then... *cheng cheng cheng* I loiter for a while then i gear up, wearing warmers, and jacket and brought a umbrella (how little faith this lad has rite?... if I was God... BIG SHOWER) but thank God, He was so gentle and good. I was ready to open the umbrella when i realize it was just small tiny wheeny drops.. so i quickly keep it... so God was good, the rain was really small, then when i reach the shop, i went to the freezer and have a glance... charm liao.. e lek... gai lo... nvm i don't believe.. there was a long queue and they were blocking the view. so i make my way to the freezer, and take a closer look. 50p, here's the amazing part... there was only 3 left... just the number i needed. Thank God, and i had to pay only half the normal price... =)... after buying I headed back home, and when i reach home.. i was sweating like mad... it was like bathing without wiping yourself at all... first time sweating here.

It's really fun seeing things from a different perspective, and thanking God for every little thing makes life a whole ton better. God is really great, awesome~ Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I do follow your blog whenever time permits me. You are doing great ... learning to be independent and loving God. Am proud of you as your uncle.
    Yes, studies can be tough especially when you are away from home ... daddy is not around to help etc.... but i know you can make it with God's help. Like in God's word ... you are running a race ... and the finishing line is already in sight ... you need to push yourself a little more ... and you will receive the crown of victory.
    Take care and God bless.
