Woke up around 8 something in the morning, wash up and went to cadbury world, i thought that it was no match to what i saw in charlie and the choclate factory.. what i was about to see was so much more amazing
this was what welcome us from the station, well the whole city was owed by cadbury, when i was told that i didn' tpay much attention to it but after finishing the exhibition it was really a 180 deg change. A man who sold tea and coffee found that cocoa was something new that he could try to sell, in the olden times, as cocoa was bitter , it was added with spices and chilli, but this man found a new recipe, he added sugar to and cocoa butter to it to make it sweet, then later on the added milk to the recipe. The city was built because he wanted to treat his workers like his family members, he built cathedrals, hospitals, fields, and all in it called as bournville, it really taught me alot about not being selfish, he not only gave generously to his workers, he is willing to open up his factory for people to visit and see the making process and teach children about the history of him.
I was using google company as an aim for 2nd chance but now, i think i got to change, and get the idea from cadbury.. it's really very cool and i really like it.. the passion.. wow... ~ i really got to have that..
after that went to bermingham for some lunch and a little shopping, when we went for lunch in a chinese restaurant i saw another amazing thing, one of the workers dirty the place, another just took a broom and clean it up silently without making any hassel.. it was an action that was so so meek. wow~ i really have to learn that up.. it was really really teaching me humbleness..
well i didn't shop much during the trip.. well i meant on clothes.. i saw lts of nice dresses which are cheap, but the boys are with me so i couldn't go in and see them.. paiseh ma..
but it was a really good trip, leng and francis have been to london, but because i wanted to go, they accompanied me.. = )
left birmingham and headed straight for Manchester, the train stop at stafford where leng got down. Reached manchester around 6.15pm then walk home, put down my stuff, comb my hair properly and then headed to church for cell group.. =)
Shyen wei bought a fairwell cake for me, matthew and wen, all from malaysia and going back to malaysia soon...=) it was nice.. we actually have plans to go and watch transfomer after the service but sadly there wasn't anymore shows available.. =(
came home talk to dad and mom and found out that grandpa was in the hospital.. got a little worried... but as mom said everything happens for good for those who love Him.. was talking ha;f way when my friends told me that we can see our results posted online.. clicked in .. i got second upper for a degree.. well was sad for a little while, but then thank God that i pass and it wasn't that bad.. = ) God is good, and He is always faithful and true.. He is the alpha and omega, first and the last.. =) God is awesome.. yeah~
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