Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 160- Homework~ (19/2/11)

This is my lunch.. cheong fun + carrot.. =)

I cook Lo Han Guo today.. =)

This is my plane concept design..

And then i got to free and started imagining and drawing stuff..=)
I like the new earth.. cause i can go around sitting on a liion and play with it.. how cool is that.. =)

Then there's the wonderful technologies there... maybe i don't even need to record the happenings cause i'll see it happening right before me everyday.. imagine.. animals without viruses.. =) and u can play with which even you want.. isn't that amazing?

And then imagine this, you're outside on the beach, then when you step in the room and shut the door, the waves coming in.. no more shore...the u can see this ankle high water just below the knee, then u just lay there and see the little creatures swimming in the clear water.. really clean and clear water.. ou .. imagine that... how beautiful is that...=)
I bought a mouse online just now.. will get it on Tuesday... i need it so i got to get it.. it's below 5 pounds le...=)
My gastric is really bad.. X6... help.....pray~ chaoz =) God loves all of us.. =)

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