Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 10- Mooncake festival

This is where i went for dinner, Chinese church.. it had something like big party, free food, worship, talk and games. I didn't like the feeling being there. Yes it's free dinner but.. having serve others for so many years... for you to sit there, doing nothing, waiting to be serve and act dumb is a little bit...I don't know how to put it....I don't know why it feels weird.. maybe having my non-christian friends around make me feel awkward too.. they laugh at the song that is sang, and lots of stuff.... haihz...anyways...the church is having an trip to Chester which cost only 3 pounds * OF COURSE GO LA*.
Eat 3 slices of moon cake... at least i didn't miss the festival...=)..
Had English test this morning, they have 4 parts listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar. My listening part was really bad, i got 6/14 not even half.. so i have to go for the class.. ish.. my hearing that bad meh???Then for reading i got 11/12, vocabulary 18/20,grammar 15/20.all add up to 50/66. I got 75%.. for English.. bad man... haihz.. anyways tomorrow i don't have class so
c ya tomorrow. chaoz.

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