Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 18- No hole, No problem! (30/9/10) Thurs

This is my brunch... Potato salad and hot chocolate. =)

It took 1 hour for me to prepare this stuff... will improve!

Indo-mee with Phua Chu Kang face.. =)

At least this is something that's nearer to home. (",)v

I have to strip my mouse... it's the only way to make it work... The cheapest mouse here is like 8 bucks... =RM40 .. crazy.. how now...? haihz.... 

Look at the clock... it's up... No hole on the wall ... but.. there was a hole where the curtain hangers left blank, i have a raffia string and a bread fastener.. and *clapz* VIOLA~all done. It's up. Smart aik!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 17- Please meet Mr and Mrs Sauce (29/9/10) Wed

Went to the bank this morning... didn't expect things to happen so quickly.. I went into the bank with my friend line up for a while.. before we could reach the counter, someone from the bank came up to us and ask if we are students and wanted to open an account so we said yes.. straight away she brought us to the counter, photostat our passport and ask us to sign, and she ask us to bring our money that we wanna bank in on Friday...That easy.. I was praying hard for it not to take that long as i have class in one and a half hours time and God really did answered my prayer.. It didn't take more than 5 minutes.. we were quite worried at first cause we went to explore the bus.. as in go around town in the free bus la.. it took up quite much of our time... After the bank we still have time to go over to china town to get stuff.. Saw Char siu pau.. cheapest 6 for 2.10 pounds....but look what i found..

This is the day where Mr. Plum sauce meet Mrs. Char Siu sauce....(^^)v

Today, we Malaysians are to join the induction for the labs as in they teach us how to use the equipments in the lab.. it's really fun.. they even ask us to solder... I did and the lab leader said although I fix the circuit the wrong way.. I did a pretty job.. =).. and mind you i was the fastest to finish the whole circuit board.. looks like my FYP in the past did do me some good.. har har har...

Me and my circuit.. just a simple one... =)
After wearing the goggles it feels like I'm one of those from "despicable me".. the yellow thingy.. mom.. it's a cartoon.. =)

I didn't have time for lunch so.. i eat it at around 4 something.. here's what i ate

Mr. Garlic Naan Accompany by Mr and Mrs Sauce, and Milky.

We had spaghetti for dinner, then we talk to the Italian that lives with us... it's so nice to exchange cultural views, and to know more about other languages and stuff.. super nice and cool.
Commeh wah =How are you?
Gratxia= Thanks
i forgot the others....(~~) paiseh... =)
Tomorrow will be a good day.. God is good, All the time. And all the time, God is good.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 16- Mr.Happy or Mr. Sad.. Whose the winner?*chiang* (28/9/2010)

2nd day of University...
Mr. Sad
-Super Duper Sleepy in Class >.<
-Couldn't get bank letter in the morning. (System down)
-Recieved First Assignment
-Answered Question lecturer ask (",)
-Got Bank letter in the afternoon. o=)
-Had sweet sour Chicken for Lunch. =9
-Clas Ohlson(name of a store) give out freebie.. I got now a bottle opener, 4AAA Batteries, a pen and a hook. =P Brilliant?
-I have NO CLASSES till next Monday!!!!
So that means Mr Happy is the Winner~~~ Bravo!!!
Tonight will be fun!


bank letter that i've been waiting

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 15- First Day In Uni (27/9/10) Monday

Just came back from the first class on my first day in Uni... zZz... ok i'm sorry I didn't study hard last time... i almost fell asleep.. maybe it's because he's introducing the course... sienzzz... understand a bit, don't understand a bit... Macam mana la sekarang?? Tapi takpe.. saya dah confirm... FRIDAY OFF!!!! Yay~ ... sleepy now... later i got class from 12-1pm, 3-6pm... wanna wash clothes but it takes more than 2 hours to do that so i can't slot anything in... Went to get my bank letter but it's still not ready... bravo!!!
Ou ya.. Percentage drop again.. when i was in College, the percentage of gals was 7% as in we had 100 people with 7 gals... but here... Approx. 25 people... only 1 Gal.. that makes the % drop to 4%... haihz....=)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 14- Foodie Doodie Day (26/9/10)- Sunday

Went to Church Woo Hoo!!!!!Met 2 new Africans.. Shola and Yemi, Shola looks a little like Richie, but he's really tall. It's so nice to hear the music... and had lunch there... look at the food!

A big piece of chicken, potatoes, some salady thing, and CARROTS!!!!
It's really delicious!
hahahahaha.. hungry?
More to come...

Here comes Mr. Char Siu Kai.
Ta pao it from the church on friday night.. heat it up and it's ready to go..
Yeah!!! I got Char Siu ... =) God is so so good isn't He, I said I want Char Siu.. next thing you know it's on the dinner table. WooT~ *Dancing*

Food that was on the table a few hours ago.. then.. it's all gone!!! it's in my Tummy.. !!! =)
Weee... I LOVE FOOD!!!! YummS!
There's class tomorrow from 9am to 5pm.. It's gonna get exciting..
Ou ya.. I received the fact that the lecturer that I have for my project isn't that good... as in he don't give marks easily.. hmm.. hard stuff... =) *eye browns jumping* ... but... it's gonna be alright... because.. *Shouting* Whose on my side? Jesus is on my side, Whose on my side? Jesus is on my side *Shouting* Yeah~
Ok it's late, but i'm getting a little hyper.. =) Don't care... I'm loving it.

Day 13- Park day (25/9/10) Saturday [Super Windy]

Me and my flatmates wanted to go over to the Pakistani Area, we pass a park called as Whitworth Park, it was really a beautiful day, we walk by the park and decided to stop by and take some pictures, here are some of it

Me and my hand stand!

My 2 Malaysian flatmates

=) I actually sat on a tree trunk~

And lie on one

Acting cool as usual

Park Sign

Ivy on the left, and Meggie on the right.

They got this Pakistani sweets that looks like our (kuih), all along the street.

small market where i buy sour peaches =(

Walking home to get dinner
Someone else is cooking.. so =).. yay~
Had a delicious dinner! Carrot beef rice... cool stuff
I DON'T like beef but the dish was ok... i got thru the night.. No. It's nice, but I'm still not into beef. =). Church day tomorrow!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 12- Cold day (24/9/10) [Extra cold]

Had the internet fixed today.

It's 10 degrees right now and the wind is cold... looks like it's going to rain soon.. =( .. just finish getting my time table.. i have classes on Monday to wed, Thursday and Friday I'm off.. that's what i plan.. if everything works well that's it.
I want to eat Char Sau Pau...=( ChinaTown got.. but dunno nice not.. somemore expansive.. =,( Char Sau Pau~ (*.*)~
night weather

Dunno which bank to open an account with.. went to the chinese church again.. this time i got free chickens.. it's a youth group this time, so it feels better. And it feels like home youth, it's like us seniors greeting those who are new saying hi and making friends, it really do feels like's filled with chinese from all over.. china, HK, macau, malaysia... and others i guess.. it's really nice.. this over king's church? i don't know... here i can know more chinese.. there i can know people from other nations... mana nak pi? comfort zone or uncomfort zone?
God is just so good and great.. I thought internet was down again.. i was so scared seeing the circle thing on the connection part.. than i prayed and it work.. Praise The Lord!!!! now i can blog! =)
C ya tomorrow Chaoz
Wait... I forgot to tell you i got toilet papers.. cheaper than ASDA. =) 1.18 pounds for 12.. =) Woot!

Day 11- Walking Day(23/9/10)

Internet was DOWN AGAIN! Now it's fixed so i can blog~ Wee!
I didn't have class yesterday, so I went SHOPPING~
The main purpose was to find toilet paper... as in the cheapest one...
but this is what i got

Bedroom Slippers with cow on it..

12 Batteries for 1 pound

Chocolate milk... Haven't had it since i got here...=(, at least i have it now...=)

This is what I'm left with....

No cheap toilet papers so i need this for emergency....=(

1 pound clock which the hour hand can fling around when u turn the clock upside down.. it's always at 6 o clock when u put it up straight.. useless.. gotta go change it whenever i got time to walk there... i got a shirt and a toy too..=)
And for dinner:

our dinner table... 5 of us share our food..=)

That's the soup we cook last night, herbal soup.. nice!

Oven Chicken...=).. taste like sausages.


I went to town then back to hostel, cook dinner and head to ASDA and back to hostel. I HATE creepy crawlies... and there were lots of them on the way to ASDA. My friend and I were wondering how come there were noodles all around, then i scream when the noodles move. There were lots of earth worms along the way, man.. i hated that journey.. there were snails too.. ewww.... walk so far, but found no toilet paper.. saddening isn't it.. but at least i got a toy..(^^)v

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 10- Mooncake festival

This is where i went for dinner, Chinese church.. it had something like big party, free food, worship, talk and games. I didn't like the feeling being there. Yes it's free dinner but.. having serve others for so many years... for you to sit there, doing nothing, waiting to be serve and act dumb is a little bit...I don't know how to put it....I don't know why it feels weird.. maybe having my non-christian friends around make me feel awkward too.. they laugh at the song that is sang, and lots of stuff.... haihz...anyways...the church is having an trip to Chester which cost only 3 pounds * OF COURSE GO LA*.
Eat 3 slices of moon cake... at least i didn't miss the festival...=)..
Had English test this morning, they have 4 parts listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar. My listening part was really bad, i got 6/14 not even half.. so i have to go for the class.. ish.. my hearing that bad meh???Then for reading i got 11/12, vocabulary 18/20,grammar 15/20.all add up to 50/66. I got 75%.. for English.. bad man... haihz.. anyways tomorrow i don't have class so
c ya tomorrow. chaoz.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 9- Cooking Day (21/9/10)

6 taste soup

Fry Broccoli


Full Meal

1st meal that we cook ourselves, WooHoo! I enjoy it, but the rice wasn't enough for us... =) had a great time cooking.. Woke up late today, read the project that i need to do.. it's a little complicated, went to find lec but he was busy, so I'm going over tomorrow, there will be an English assessment tomorrow, don't know what's it like, but i think it'll be fun.. har har har... played cards at night, =). C ya tomorrow.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 8-Induction (20/9/10)

Woke up late this morning. I thought it was early but after i see the time, i jump out of bed. Went to the talks they have about our classes and stuff. We need to pass up out preliminary report like in 3 weeks, so i have to go and see the lecturer today, made some arrangements and i knew more on what to do. Haven't really look through it yet but i will tomorrow.
The boxes are here. Lots and lots of clothes but no hangers and pans so i guess i'll pick some up tomorrow in the grocery store.

this is the BOX.

Is this all mine?

Day 7- Church Day (19/9/10)

This is the church i went to. It was so so fun, it's filled with lots of black people, and when they sing, it's like straight out from the CDs. It's really nice and sweet. Lovely, I sat with a couple with their kids, the guys name is Teoh, wife, uriana, daughter, abigail, son, jet. I didn't ask what the other sons name is, but they are really friendly people. It's really great knowing them. I meet new friends(Aileen's friends), another Singaporean in church. We're gonna have free food to eat next week.. hahaha.
My flat is now fully occupied. 1Italian, 1 French, 3 Malaysians. Cool isn't it. I went out with the Italian to do some shopping. It was great! My friends spent 5 pounds on a BBQ that they didn't like it. So haha.. I made the right choice by choosing not to go. Wee~ Internet down that is why i didn't blog. But not to worry they said it won't happen again.

Day 6- Birthday (18/9/10)

31 hours pass peacefully... =) ... It has been a great day! Well, through out the day i don't know why but i just feel like blessing others, the doubtful thought came to me [about having not enough money] but then i brush it off quickly. There's just a strong believe that God will provide. And He just show me that He's so so true. When I received the bible from Aileen, I knew there was something more in it, but I didn't know what was it. And when I open it, wee~God really provided. Not only I got blessed by my parents on my birthday. God showed me that He was so so real. My God lives. And He is ever so true to me. Jesus Rocks!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 5- Alton Towers

I don't really know what theme park is it but it does look scary.. they got all the ghosy ghosy things, anyway i had fun. the ride there was long, but i saw lots and lots of stuff.. i saw a calf *poink poink poink* jumping around then returning to the mother.. i saw black and white headed sheep, i saw ponies and horses, and houses with chimneys.. it's great, people say the oversea skies are nicer.. it's actually the same it's just that they don't have so many buildings around and they have a vast land that you can see.. it's really beautiful, i tried taking pics on the bus but i don't think the pic could tell all..=)
The reflection of the sun on the puddles of water in Alton towers look like stars in the sky but now it's on the ground, they are just so beautiful!
Ou ya and i think the crows here have more feathers.. they look fatter to me.. and they sound just like the people here... their talking pitch is higher than ours so does the crow it crows in a higher pitch. hahahahaha.
I just realise some thing just now... from 5 in the evening just now i got 31 hours of my birthday! wee... nice isn't it.. 21 birthday with 31 hours.. dunno so long for wat.. haihz..=)
here are some pics

I've always like this type of pics

What I played

This is the new bottle i bought.. it looks like a prize.. wee

Day 4- Malaysia Day (16/9/10)

Internet line was down so i couldn't blog, or talk. It's up again , yay~Yesterday was quite a fun day, to malaysia, happy malaysia day,

it totally slip out of my mind till i sang a birthday song to my friend., by that time it's 4am in malaysia so i guess everyone has finish celebrating it.. but it's ok.. better late than never rite..=)

Dad, I guess you were right, university life is a total different from our normal life, in college, everybody was studying the same subject, as in engineering but it's different in University, There are lots and lots of people from different streams, and different nationalities and i'm having lots of fun knowing them, and learning their stuff.
I went to the dinner and dance yesterday and it was fun, we got to travel to Cheshire, it was really fun, it's like being in canteens that we only get to see in the shows, and it's really cool, i did a few dances.. still blur about how we should correctly dance... =), but it was fun, the skylines was really pretty on the way back, there is a light from the bottom the that light shines up to the skies making them maroon then dark purple, and it's filled with stars, it's a really amazing view and i love it lots.

Beautiful skies

new jacket that cost 9 pound

1st rice meal... i like malaysia sushi better

First cup of tea in UK. Loving it.

New friends